April 2024
As we come to the end of our “We Believe” Capital Campaign, I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to all those parishioners who made sacrificial pledges and donations and to all those who prayed for the successful conclusion to our campaign.
$4.5 million is a HUGE ask! I didn’t even know in the beginning if we dared hope that this goal could be achieved. But once again you have demonstrated how much you love your parish and how important it is to you that we secure the future for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Making sure that future generations are cared for, in the same way that past generations have cared for us, is an incredibly moving thing to behold. As your pastor, I couldn’t be more humbled by the love and generosity you have displayed for your parish through this campaign.
I also want to thank the Campaign Leadership Team. Your interest in, and dedication to, “We Believe” has been remarkable. A special thank you to Shelby Williams, who suggested early on that we could run the campaign through Flocknote, in order to save the parish thousands of dollars in consultant fees, and who has successfully spearheaded the drive from our Parish Office.
Although we have “officially” closed the campaign, we still need everyone’s prayers that the construction projects will be completed without incident and that the workers will be protected from accidents.
It’s an exciting time for us here at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and I look forward to all the great things that lie ahead. Thank you, again. May God bless each of you as we move forward together, and as “We (continue to) Believe” anything is possible with our faith in God and through your many prayers!
-Father Tom

January 2024
We are growing spiritually and physically as a parish. To continue to provide for our present and future needs we are initiating a parish campaign themed, We Believe.
The congregation of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish has shown commitment to building a faith community in the name of Jesus Christ under the patronage of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton since 1981. Our mission guides us continuously in shaping a vision that keeps the parish alive, growing, and vibrant.
For us to realize our dreams, I am requesting the support of the entire parish family and asking you to prayerfully consider making a five year pledge to the We Believe campaign.
My prayer is that each parishioner will respond with a loving and open heart. Most sincerely, I ask you to pray, to reflect, and to share the Lord’s gifts that will provide blessings for you, your family, and future generations of our parish family.

Sincerely in Christ,

Reverend Thomas P. Kiefer, Pastor

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